Given the current popularity of the Porriott case I decided to listen to 4BC radio's classic crime last night to see what they had to say. For those that don't know, classic crime is a short segment of 4BC presenter Ian Maurice's show featuring local "historian" Jack sim. Each week a different crime or criminal is discussed.
Last night the focus was on Walter Porriott and the idea that he may have been Jack the Ripper. Cr Paul Tully also joined in to comment on the case and his research. A woman who had known Porriott and his last wife (she married Bessie Porriott's nephew) also called in. Her first-hand information provided a nice post-script to what's already appeared in the articles.
Sim didn't seem to add anything new to the debate and in usual fashion criticized police and eye witnesses as "untrained". While the forensic technologies of today were lacking in nineteenth century England, concepts such as deductive reasoning and scientific method were not unheard of. Perhaps the training that Victorian detectives received would have been different to that of their modern colleagues but they were not uneducated in investigative procedure.
One comment that he made which I found particularly interesting was that he is going to be holding a murder tour of Toowong Cemetery later this month. He claimed to have done these periodically in the past but I have my doubts. I've heard of sim running many tours but never seen anything about that one. This is unusual seeing as my longstanding interest in local history has prompted me to keep well-informed about such goings on.
Seems odd to me that someone would think of a commercial tour of this kind when the Friends of Toowong Cemetery do it for free. The FOTC conduct monthly public walks (each month is based around a different theme). In addition to this, we also produce small tour booklets of each topic so that people can conduct their own self-guided walks. The booklets are free and available on request.
Anyone interested in seeing the grave of Porriott or hearing more about claims that he was the Ripper should come along to the next Friends of Toowong Cemetery walk. It will take place on Sunday September 7 at 10:30am (meet under the flag pole just behind the gates). The main theme of the walk will be Maritime history but myself and others would be happy to answer any questions. No bookings required and no entry fee (gold coin donations are appreciated).
I will be conducting the October tour. It will be another first run new tour and will feature stories about the home front during World War I, political dissidents, the birth of Queensland, and other colourful characters.
For more info see the Friends of Toowong Cemetery page:
For a free copy of the Crime & Punishment tour booklet please contact us via:
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